Coming Events February 2016

I’m excited to announce my first month’s roster of events for pregnant and new parents here in Macau!

Being a parent can be difficult and isolating at times, and bringing up a family in a foreign culture brings its own set of challenges. What helps us grow beyond these challenges is engaging in community support. Conscious Wellness’ big mission in 2016 is to build that community to connect parent to parent, across cultural boundaries, so we can support each other through our mutual experiences in our parenting journeys.

Feb 2016 events

With that in mind, here are the details: The breastfeeding group will run on the last Wednesday of the month, at 10:30am in the Starbucks in Taipa Village.  I’m open to suggestions of other cozy spaces around Macau to meet, but I know Starbucks has a corporate commitment to supporting breastfeeding families, so I figured that was a good place to start.

The HypnoBirthing® workshop is a little taster session I will be running periodically to encourage pregnant families to sign up for the full 5 week comprehensive childbirth education course.  The $80 fee is to cover my room rental costs as well as secure commitment, and can be used as a deposit towards the course fee if you choose to register.

One of my goals for 2016 is to give monthly talks on a variety of subjects relating to pregnancy and parenting.  The babywearing talk is the first in that series.  In the future I will be covering topics like safe sleep, cross-cultural perspectives on parenting, birthing options in Macau and Hong Kong, and postpartum mental health and wellness.

If you are keen to join me for any or all of these events, please let me know at my facebook page or  Looking forward to seeing you all soon!