2017 update: what I’ve been up to!

Hello!  It’s been a while. I’ve had an interesting first half of this year in Macau.  At the beginning of the year I committed to my path of becoming a midwife, by enrolling in Indie Birth Midwifery School‘s first ever cohort, which convened online a few weeks ago.  I’m excited to be able to share about my journey and my thoughts as my view of birth and midwifery evolves over the course of the two year program.  2017 has been a year of internal shifts for me, physically, spiritually and mentally.  I’m in a good place and totally jazzed to be sharing this transformation with my doula and childbirth education clients.

In April, in honour of my 37th birthday, I took myself for a full physical check up.  After a series of follow up tests it was confirmed that I have “severe” fatty liver, aka non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Basically that means I need to overhaul my diet and lifestyle and lose some weight, or face permanent damage to my liver.  After reviewing a few different programs, I decided to start with the Whole30.  After 30 straight days of clean eating, I am happy and proud to report that my energy and outlook and motivation towards healthy living is at a new high.

Aside from these two big deals, I’m also working towards finally finishing my BSc, as I have found a pathway to completion that can be done entirely online.  So, God-willing, I will graduate by the end of next year with a BSc. in Public Health, with an option to go on and take a MSc in Public Health Policy the year after.  All these things are converging together to make my personal path more purposeful than ever.